My recent message to my fellow iPad Artists " why should you look into paper seriously? Here is one reason: it imitates not just the natural flow of colors but also natural "mixing" of colors. Going back to the basics of primary color ( red blue yellow) and secondary derived color ( purple green orange) you will see that paper53 simulates that behavior. None other apps do that.. The closest I could go is the water color brush blending in Artrage. However it still lags behind paper. These guys have done great job with the algorithm
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Tip: use the "add" layer blend mode Tito get the fire/ flame effect.
Follow below steps: 1. Use the flame brush and make Radom scattered strokes with orange color 2. Then lock the transperancy of the layer and paint some random strokes of red color. ( since the transperancy - pixels - are locked, red only happens on top of orange color)
3. Duplicate the layer
4. Change the background to black.
5. Most important: now change the top layer mode to "add". You see the magic :-)
6. Using airbrush paint some glow affect in a bottom layer.
7. You are done!
With growing tablet market and flux of art apps available today, there is a big interest among kids about using iPad or android tablets for painting and drawing. Sumit Vishwakarma did a live iPad art show in local James Franklin Smith Elementary School during their spring carnival event organized by Parent-Teacher Association. Sumit was really impressed by the enthusiasm shown by kids for this new medium of art creation!
Isn't it true ? Beautiful things happen when ...
He will also be doing live IPad art demo at Nomad brush booth using new Nomad Flex brush. Please stop by and check out his style and Nomad brush.
Below is a painting done using Nomad Flex on iPad 2. This painting is created from a photo I took with my iPhone 5. Later painted in Artrage and processed in snapseed!
May 2013